Once upon a time… well, that is how many stories start out, but this one starts out a little differently…
Our cat is a house cat in the winter and an outdoors cat in the summer. This summer she has fleas, which she brought inside the house and shared. If you have ever had a flea infestation in your house you know how intense it can get, and fast. We tried to get rid of them by various methods, but they kept getting worse by the minute it seemed. As a last resort we decided to try bug bombs.
We were making last minute preparations prior to heading out the door to the store before I set off the bug bombs… and as I was making my way down the stairs I slipped on the 3rd stair from the bottom. I soon discovered that one little misstep can change your world.
There I lay sprawled out on the floor… with a useless foot, caused by the broken bones in my leg. My life changed in a flash – EMT’s, an ambulance ride to the local ER, pain meds., an overnight splint, surgery the next morning, a walker, crutches, and nights spent in a hospital.
Over a week has passed and I’m feeling better. As I mend now with a rod in my leg I face a long road to recovery and rehabilitation. I just wanted you all to know I appreciate your prayers and good thoughts in my behalf.
For those you who are hearing of my fall for the first time, and those of you that are already aware of it – my summer sewing camps are still going to be held as scheduled, but many sewing classes had to be canceled.
- If you are already signed up for a sewing camp nothing changes – just show up on the scheduled date and time for which you have registered.
- If you want to sign up for a sewing camp you still can. Just go to my web site or call me at: 503-804-7259, as there are still camp openings.
I believe that challenges are put in our lives to make us better people and make us stretch ourselves to do and learn things we might not otherwise have had the opportunity to. I am up for the challenge – with a little help from my friends. I will be here for all camps and I will have friends supporting me to continue to help you.
Have a great summer, and I hope to see you soon at camp.
Happy Sewing, Jolene.