I have a granddaughter named Sariah. She would rather wear dresses or skirts (preferably skirts) than pants or shorts. Sariah outgrew all of her skirts, but she kept wearing them even though they were too small. It seemed that no matter where we hid them she would find them.
So, finally my daughter headed to the second hand store to shop for more skirts for Sariah – in her size. But she could not find any. For a few dollars she managed to find dresses that were too small for Sariah, but just right for altering… into skirts.
Here are the four finished four skirts (that were once dresses). I cut off the top under the arm holes. Then I zig-zagged the edges and turned the top edges over and sewed.
After that I put in elastic, and now Sariah has some smart and styling little skirts. I call the pink one her Dora skirt. I altered and sewed all these in one evening within a couple hours time.
You too can try this on special dresses that your child or grandchild outgrows and is not yet wanting to part with. This gives the garment one more year of wear, bringing your child one more year of pleasure. Write me and tell me of something you altered so you or your children/grandchildren could get a little more use out of them.
As Always, Happy Sewing, JoLene

Sariahs many ‘new’ altered skirts

Sariahs new skirt begins