One of my daughters was shopping at a baby boutique and while there something called a stroller blanket caught her attention. These blankets are so popular and they are the rage right now in the world of infants. This particular blanket was made of a cute designer cotton fabric on one side and a super soft Minkee fabric on the other side. These blankets are small, light, and warm – making them great for travel, whether on an airplane or in a stroller. They work where you need something that doesn’t take up much space.
My daughter believed one of these blankets would be great for their trip to Reno last Spring. Finding the price of that store-bought blanket a bit rich for her budget she went to the fabric store. With a store coupon in hand she bought the needed cotton and Minkee fabrics – for a ¼ of the cost of a store-bought blanket. Together we made her not only a stroller blanket, but two bibs and burp cloth. I copied the pattern for the bib from another bib she had, and just put together the burp cloth from left over fabric. The sewing went fast and easy, and the project ended up so very cute!

Natalie enjoying her Stroller Blanket
She saved ¾ of the cost of that store-bought blanket she saw, plus she got to pick out her own fabric. You can do the same – I challenge you to make your own Minkee stroller blanket. You start with a yard each of cotton and Minkee. You don’t need to quilt the blanket, just wash the fabric. Place the right side of cotton to the Minkee sew together. You will have to trim some of the Minkee to be the same size as the cotton piece. Leave a 6 to 8 inch unstitched gap on one edge to be able to turn the piece inside out after sewing. Sew, turn, and top stitch… and whalla, you have a cute one of a kind handmade stroller blanket.

Homemade Baby Stroller Blanket, Bib and Burb cloth
Good luck and Happy Sewing, JoLene