What a wonderful and very full summer and fall! My sister Tonya and nephew Skyler visited in June, where we played in Rock Creek and worked on finishing up some things in my new home and sewing room. In August Tonya and I also attended my 40th High School Reunion in Twin Falls, where I saw old friends, made new ones, ate great food, and even rode a zipline over the sagebrush in the Snake River Canyon!

My final big trip was to Disney World and Universal in Florida with my daughter Stephanie’s family and our friends the Rex family. It was such fun! I might say Harry Potter Wizarding World was the best, but there were so many wonderful things I just cannot mention them all.

I had some fun sewing camps this summer, too! I also finished up teaching at my Woodstock location, which was a hard decision. But because of weather issues and the time it took me to get back and forth, I’ve decided to teach only out here in Happy Valley. It has been a struggle but I am determined to make it work.

As autumn marches on toward wintertime, the urge to sew may be brewing! Check out the camps and workshops listed below or on my website for more information about the many sewing offerings.


75th Anniversary Open House 11/9

My church is celebrating its 75 year anniversary in the Portland area.

Join me on Saturday, November  9th, from 3:00 – 7:00 pm, with a fireside program from 7:00 – 8:00 pm that evening. Refreshments served before and after the 7pm fireside. The celebration will be held at 30th and Harrison in SE Portland between Division and Hawthorne; LDS church with rocks on the side.

Members are asked to display their talents, and there will be plenty of things to appreciate. Plus the building is quite wonderful! If you like old Portland architecture you would love to see this. I’ll be doing a display of my stuff and a demonstration and might include things for kids to sew. I’d love you to come!


Camps and Workshops

For some of you coming to Happy Valley for after school classes may not work, but perhaps camps and workshops are the perfect fit! Here are my camps to finish out 2013. Hope to see you all soon. Call me at (503) 804-7259, email me, or register online to reserve your spot!

Remember that a free, mandatory prep class is required for all new students!  Please call me to arrange.

11/11: Sock Monkey Camp 9AM – 12PM Make an old-fashioned sock monkey with hat. Made from brown, pink or blue socks with red heel. All supplies included.

11/11: Owl Bag Camp 1 PM – 4 PM

Come make a very popular owl bag and more as time allows. All supplies included.

11/25: Dress-a-Doll Camp 9AM – 12PM

Make clothes for your American Girl doll. Patterns and all supplies are provided, doll not included. Tea party each day for girl and doll.

11/25: Pick an Animal Camp 1 PM – 4 PM

I will have a variety of stuffy animals to pick from. Make as many as there is time. All supplies included.

12/14: Christmas Workshop 9 AM – 12 PM

Come make gifts for friends and family. Choose from over 15 items and make 3-5 as time allows. All supplies provided.

12/14: Christmas Workshop 1 PM – 4 PM

Come make gifts for friends and family. Choose from over 15 items and make 3-5 as time allows. All supplies provided.

12/20: Christmas Workshop 9 AM – 12 PM

Come make gifts for friends and family. Choose from over 15 items and make 3-5 as time allows. All supplies provided.

12/20: Christmas Workshop 1 PM – 4 PM

Come make gifts for friends and family. Choose from over 15 items and make 3-5 as time allows. All supplies provided.

12/26-27: Sock Monkey PJ’s 9 AM -12 PM

Come make PJ’s with sock monkey hoodie on top and sock monkey footsies in bottoms. All supplies provided.

12/26-27: Moose on the Loose 1 PM – 4 PM
Make two adorable stuffed moose from wonderful faux fur. All supplies included.

01/02-03: Animal Hat and More 9 AM – 12 PM

Come make soft animal hats leggings and gloves. Made from faux fur. All supplies Provided

01/02-03: On the Wild Side 1 PM – 4 PM

Make two wild animals, choosing from giraffe, elephant, zebra. Made from faux fur. All supplies provided.


Tip of the Month

Keep all the sewing supplies you need in a drawer, shoe box, bowl, or sewing box right by your machine. I recently read a blog from someone on “31 Days to Organize Your Kitchen.” I read her suggestion of putting all like things together (baking things in one drawer and all things needed for breakfast together, etc.)
This made me think that would be a great idea for essentials to have next to your sewing machine so you did not have to get up each time you need something. This is especially important if your sewing area is not permanent, such as sewing on your dining room table. Make a Go Box for your sewing supplies!


Project of the Month

This month’s project was made by one of my adult sewers. She is doing the seven-level program I teach called Learn to Sew You Can Make It.

Charisse chose to make a long coat out of red wool. Isn’t it just wonderful? I especially love her choice of big black buttons. Now I want to make one for me!

Nice work, Charisse. I’m sure that coat will keep you toasty as the temperatures drop.


Camps and Workshops throughout the rest of 2013 can offer a great activity during school breaks. Check out my site for registration information!
Happy Sewing,

JoLene Tunison
JoLenes Sewing School

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