Greetings! Welcome to the April 2014 Newsletter for JoLene’s Sewing School!
I love Spring. The daffodils, tulips, and even dandelions are so beautiful against the bright green grass. Take a stroll through a fabric store this time of the year and all the new spring fabrics just pop out in bright yellows, pinks, and greens, loudly proclaiming spring! Spring brings thoughts of the Multnomah County Fair and the fashion show and a little bit of sadness as the end of the schoolyear brings the end of after-school sewing classes until Fall. But there is also joy as Summer is just around the corner and a series of camps begin. Camps are a different kind of sewing, and the opportunity for new friends, creative summertime outlets, and fun different projects. Summer camps ensure a fun time to be had by all – me included!
Multnomah County Fair 5/24-26
The Multnomah County Fair is fast approaching, and we are working on our fair entries now. I find sewing entries for the fair helps the kids to pay more attention to detail and improve their sewing skills.
The fair will be held May 24, 25, and 26 at Oaks Park. Admission and parking are free, and there are plenty of fun exhibits and rides to enjoy. The fair is open from noon to 7:00 PM daily.
All entries for the fair need to be to me by 9:00 PM on May 22, and I deliver them to the fair at 11:00 AM on Friday the 23rd. The entries are judged Friday night and Saturday morning and are displayed before the fair opens at noon on the 24th.
Everyone is a winner, and I encourage all my students to enter the fair. It is a wonderful experience!
Go on the fair website http://www.
Fashion Show Slated for May 30
The annual fashion show is the last activity of the year. Everyone in the school is invited to come and show off what they have made this year. Each child can model two outfits.
The show is held at Courtyard Plaza at 60th and Division in SE Portland and every year has been a wonderful experience. It is a retirement community and the residents so enjoy having us come share our accomplishments in sewing.
Save the date! May the 30th from 1:00 – 2:00 PM. If it is nice weather we will be out side in their courtyard; if the weather is cold we will be in the lovely Mt. Hood Room.
More info to come.
The last day of class before Summer Camps is May 30th.
Upcoming Events! Summer Camps!
A big part of the summer for all kids are summer camps. I try to make a variety of offerings that will appeal to everyone.
See the website for more details. Don’t wait too long to sign up as they fill up fast!
June 16-18
9am – 12pm Summer Fun
1pm – 4p On the Wild Side
June 23-25
9am – 12pm Sock Monkey PJ’s
1pm – 4pm Summer Outfit
June 30th – July 2
9am – 12pm Summer Dress for You & Your Doll
1pm – 4pm Teddy Bear Picnic
July 7-9
9am – 12pm Who’s Hooting
1pm – 4pm Slumber Party in a Bag
July 14-16
9am – 12pm Giving to Others
1pm – 4pm Giving to Others
We will be making a variety of items to be donated to a family homeless shelter. Some items made will be hats, pillowcases, warm socks, plush animals, scarves, etc. Eight kids per camp. This camp is FREE! Must commit to all 3 days.
July 21-23
9am – 12pm Everything Fox
1pm – 4pm Red Riding Hood-Style Cape for You & Your Doll
July 28-30
9am – 12pm Sock Monkey Camp
1pm – 4pm Quilt Camp
August 4-6
9am – 12pm On the Wild Side
1pm – 4pm Back to School Camp
August 11-13
9am – 12pm Teddy Bear Picnic
1pm – 4pm Nitey-Nite
August 18-20
9am – 12pm Hoodie Camp
1pm – 4pm Sock Monkey PJ’s
Project of the Month: Dragon Quilt

Tip of the Month: Keep Extras
JoLene Tunison
JoLene’s Sewing School