You never know how things might turn out when you do them for the first time, but my first Adult Workshop was great! We had good food, made new friends and learned a lot. I am not sure who learned the most, though, me or the students (I think it was me).
Kids Can Sew has a saying: “There are no mistakes, only lessons learned.” I so agree with that – we had lessons learned by both the teacher and the students.
The next Adult Workshop has started. It is a 5-week class teaching the same things as the all-day workshop – again, a great bunch of women and lot of fun.
The next all-day workshop is November 21st, but it’s already full (sorry!). I won’t be scheduling any more adult classes now until after the first of the year.
If you want to take adult classes after January 2010, send me an email at and I will email you when as soon as I get the dates.
Until then, Happy Sewing!